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Garzisi Saffron

June 20, 2016 | 0 Comments

Saffron is a precious spice for its values and the elaborative production process. With the aim to preserve the purity,  we designed the pack in a way that no direct contact is needed with these valuable delicate stems till their final destination: a delicious recipe! A glass jar that contains and preserves the saffron stems is sandwiched between a wooden mortar and pestle, made with beechwood. The cap with a added sphere […]

August 14, 2014 | 0 Comments

Oorvi supports bio farmers, especially from the region of Ratnagiri, to get their produce to the consumer with higher profit to reinvest in further bio harvest. The tone of the entire identity is minimalistic, without any frills and focused. The word Oorvi means Earth is Sanskit. Inspired by earth; simple, round and green icons represent every category of the products. The icons are used as buttons on the site and create a pattern on […]

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