We love doing things differently...

…by thinking globally

Our head offices are in Milan and Los Angeles, but our team members are based in leading cities of the world. This makes it possible to create, compare, and analyse all projects on a global level, providing a true international vision to our clients. 

With global perspective and years of experience working on various well-known brands, we help our clients understand, adapt, and succeed in rapidly changing industries and environments.


Meet our team:

The Brandlore Story

The idea started with a simple fact: the internet has made our planet a global village. The definition of well-travelled could easily fit most big brands today. But what about the smaller, authentic brands; the ones who can’t afford big, multinational agencies and yet have the drive to reach every corner of the world? Brandlore was born to serve these businesses.

We are a network of branding professionals with years of experience working in top design and advertising agencies across the globe. Apart from a small team in Milan and Los Angeles, most of our designers and strategists work from various buzzing cities of the world. We are able to offer international quality design solutions within reasonable budget. 

Give us 20 minutes and we’ll show you what we can do for your brand. Let’s start a conversation!

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