Blog Archives

PV Sons

March 15, 2016 | 0 Comments

PV Sons is a family-run company from India, dedicated to producing the highest quality raw material for the food products around the world. They have been catering to various top multinational food giants for more than 25 years. After studying the brand and products we upgraded their previous logo. The symbol now has a streak of sun rays shining above the golden corn. Where as the logotype is now more sophisticated and compact.  […]

August 14, 2014 | 0 Comments

Oorvi supports bio farmers, especially from the region of Ratnagiri, to get their produce to the consumer with higher profit to reinvest in further bio harvest. The tone of the entire identity is minimalistic, without any frills and focused. The word Oorvi means Earth is Sanskit. Inspired by earth; simple, round and green icons represent every category of the products. The icons are used as buttons on the site and create a pattern on […]
VST Electronic Security

August 9, 2014 | 0 Comments

A company dedicated to electronic security for various structures. We had to create a brand that is easy to recognise in the clutter of competition and a website to portray entire product-service offer, where the prospective clients can find everything. The product-service portfolio of VST was huge. So for the website,, we decided to divide it by where the products are used. That is: in 5 most common building structures (Bungalows, […]

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