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Garzisi Saffron

June 20, 2016 | 0 Comments

Saffron is a precious spice for its values and the elaborative production process. With the aim to preserve the purity,  we designed the pack in a way that no direct contact is needed with these valuable delicate stems till their final destination: a delicious recipe! A glass jar that contains and preserves the saffron stems is sandwiched between a wooden mortar and pestle, made with beechwood. The cap with a added sphere […]
PV Sons

March 15, 2016 | 0 Comments

PV Sons is a family-run company from India, dedicated to producing the highest quality raw material for the food products around the world. They have been catering to various top multinational food giants for more than 25 years. After studying the brand and products we upgraded their previous logo. The symbol now has a streak of sun rays shining above the golden corn. Where as the logotype is now more sophisticated and compact.  […]
Wisil Latoor SRL Identity

January 31, 2016 | 0 Comments

Wisil Latoor SrL is one of the largest dental laboratories in Italy. Founded in 1955, the lab is synonymous with tradition compiled with innovation. After studying the market and their equity, we revived the brand identity with fresh colours and clear images. Logo, stationary, website, print and online communication, trade fair and social media, all got pumped with the new energy. Find out more on Discipline: Brand Strategy, Brand Identity, Logo, Brochure, Website, Advertising, Tradefair, Illustration, […]

June 24, 2015 | 0 Comments

As a professional service firm with international operations, apcore specialises in managing complex change solutions for different companies. apcore guides clients though Organisational Changes, Innovation Management and New Business Model Designs, as well as implement Innovative Management Strategies and Internationalisation process thanks to their expertise in various sectors. The company was in search of a revised brand image to go with the new direction. After studying the brand and the market […]
Wisil Latoor SRL Online Communication

May 31, 2015 | 0 Comments

Wisil Latoor SrL is one of the largest dental laboratories in Italy. In 2015, we revived their brand identity including the print and online communication. Particularly for the light side of the web communication, a tooth mascot named Willie was created. He is a happy tooth that teaches as importance of a healthy smile. Find out more on their facebook page: Discipline: Social Media Management, Posters, Web Design Sector: Dental Regione: Italy
IDEI Folder

November 13, 2014 | 0 Comments

IDEI, situated in France – Toulouse, is a partnership based economic research center benefiting from the pool of TSE (Toulouse School of Economics) research. With over 60 researchers regularly collaborating, they work with multiple clients and government in the areas of: Health, Energy, Finance, Postal Services, IT etc. Discipline: Brochure and Folder Sector: Economic Reserch and Analysis Region: France
Grow at Home Saffron

November 13, 2014 | 0 Comments

Iceberg CAD CAM & Milling Center

September 10, 2014 | 0 Comments

  Iceberg is one of the leading dental CAD, CAM and milling centers of north Italy. Dental work is driven by high precision and cutting edge technology. That is the image that we aimed to give Iceberg. Dental work is some how similar to an iceberg. There is much more below the surface. All the minuscule particles come together with utmost precision to give that beautiful healthy smile. We looked […]

August 7, 2014 | 0 Comments

An innovative consultancy, Emotiqon focuses on developing emotional intelligence in people of all age groups. Even though gaining momentum, the topic of Emotional Intelligence is not as popular in Indian society. Emotiqon required a brand design that invites children and adults alike to explore this world of EQ further. The important mediums were Website, Training Materials and Games dedicated to EQ training. The 32 adorable facial expressions represent most frequently […]
Promotional Poster

June 27, 2014 | 0 Comments

Discipline: Poster Sector: Pharma Region: Italy

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