Blog Archives

Antica Barbiera Colla 1904

June 23, 2016 | 0 Comments

One of the oldest barber shops in Milan, Antica Barbieria Colla transports you back to the magical world of traditional crafts, old barber chairs and the perfume of aftershave lotions. We are very proud of this box (packaging) that we helped them produce. Discipline: Production Management Sector: Beauty & Cosmetics Regione: Italy
Garzisi Saffron

June 20, 2016 | 0 Comments

Saffron is a precious spice for its values and the elaborative production process. With the aim to preserve the purity,  we designed the pack in a way that no direct contact is needed with these valuable delicate stems till their final destination: a delicious recipe! A glass jar that contains and preserves the saffron stems is sandwiched between a wooden mortar and pestle, made with beechwood. The cap with a added sphere […]
Antica Barbiera Colla Packaging

December 8, 2015 | 0 Comments

One of the oldest barber shops in Milan, Antica Barbieria Colla transports you back to the magical world of traditional crafts, old barber chairs and the perfume of aftershave lotions. Discipline: Production Management Sector: Beauty & Cosmetics Regione: Italy

July 9, 2014 | 0 Comments

Product Display Kit Concept

June 23, 2014 | 0 Comments

VIS is a upcoming dental technology company from Switzerland. These dental lumineers is their first revolutionary product. They needed a revolutionary display box for the sales representative to carry to the prospectives clients, dentists. We created this box, integrated with a digital screen to view a quick product presentation.  A trip of special sponge holds the Lumineers in place just below the screen. Where as the groove on one side keeps the sample dental […]
Mood Charades

June 7, 2014 | 0 Comments


May 7, 2013 | 0 Comments

Voila, is a special game designed to help build emotional vocabulary of the kids. With illustrated human faces exhibiting different emotions, this game can be played similar to memory game; where the kids have to match cards to make pairs.  This recollection of the graphical expression of emotions, helps the kid connect feelings with words. We designed this game for Emotiqon, an emotional Intelligence Training Consultancy Discipline: Game design, Illustrations, […]

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