We are a design studio with branding, packaging and web specialities!

Brandlore, a designer of the brands of tomorrow!

Call us to know more!

Our Work  Take a peek at our projects

B0001_icon_menu-03  Listen to our clients
B0001_icon_menu-04 Choose Brandlore…

Why choose Brandlore?

It’s simple. We pull from the best international talent to offer quality design solutions for your budget. View our work.  View our work

What can we do for you?

Branding, Packaging, New Products...
We are genuinely excited about creating, enhancing, and building brands. Give us 20 minutes and we'll show you just how enthusiastic, clever, and insightful we are. Let's start a conversation.

What's our client type?

There is no restriction on the industry or size of the company. We love to work with clients who strongly believe in their products and services, ones who are just as passionate about their businesses as we are about telling their stories. We know that a brand with a good team behind it can do just about anything. Just ask our current clients.








About Us



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