
An innovative consultancy, Emotiqon focuses on developing emotional intelligence in people of all age groups.

Even though gaining momentum, the topic of Emotional Intelligence is not as popular in Indian society. Emotiqon required a brand design that invites children and adults alike to explore this world of EQ further. The important mediums were Website, Training Materials and Games dedicated to EQ training.

The 32 adorable facial expressions represent most frequently expressed emotions which are used across the brand. They become the principle subject of two games (These games can also be utilised in group counselling sessions, educational institutions to learn, practice and coach emotional intelligence skills), a part of training charts and are used on small communication and marketing materials such as bookmarks. The website, www.emotiqon.com has clean professional look with dashes of colorful pictures. The content is distributed in three service categories: Corporates, Private and Institutions & Schools; to avoid overflow of information.

We conceptualised and designed these games with the client. These games help the kids get acquainted with various feelings mentally and visually. By imitating the emoticon, kids learn to notice minute differences in facial expressions. In all three games, kids are encouraged to read the emotion out loud, trying to tell when he/she felt or saw this emotion last. This particular exercise helps the child understand and accept different feelings.

The packaging is also as fun as the games. Instructions, an important aspect for an educational game, are part of the packaging; so you never have to worry about not remembering the various ways to play.

Discipline: Information Arhitecture, Brand Strategy, Positioning, Identity, Logo, Games, Website, Marketing Material

Sector: Educational, Training, Consultancy

Region: Mumbai, India

Emotiqon (1)

We designed around 32 different emoticons expressing various emotions. These were then used to create training materials, posters  and two game.

Emoticons to learn the vocabulary of emotions.

Voila! A memory game with various emotions.


Spino, a wheel of emotions to learn by drawing/ copying one every day.


Mood Charades, a card game for all. It can be played in 2 different ways: The way of Taboo or Pictionary.

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