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Garzisi Saffron

June 20, 2016 | 0 Comments

Saffron is a precious spice for its values and the elaborative production process. With the aim to preserve the purity,  we designed the pack in a way that no direct contact is needed with these valuable delicate stems till their final destination: a delicious recipe! A glass jar that contains and preserves the saffron stems is sandwiched between a wooden mortar and pestle, made with beechwood. The cap with a added sphere […]
Garzisi Saffroline

January 16, 2015 | 0 Comments

After the success of the high end saffron gift pack, Garzisi launched a new line of products made from/with saffron. We call it the Saffroline! Discipline: Brand Strategy, Brand Identity, Logo, Packaging Sector: Food Regione: Italy
Grow at Home Saffron

November 13, 2014 | 0 Comments


September 3, 2014 | 0 Comments

Flying Myelocytes, a peculiar and simple home page to introduce a young pharmaceutical company that operates in the field of stem cells.  While the enlarged cells that occupy various elements of the stationary, symbolises the work of medical engineering. Discipline: Brand Strategy, Brand Identity, Web Design Sector: Medicine Regione: Germany

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