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Wisil Latoor SRL Identity

January 31, 2016 | 0 Comments

Wisil Latoor SrL is one of the largest dental laboratories in Italy. Founded in 1955, the lab is synonymous with tradition compiled with innovation. After studying the market and their equity, we revived the brand identity with fresh colours and clear images. Logo, stationary, website, print and online communication, trade fair and social media, all got pumped with the new energy. Find out more on Discipline: Brand Strategy, Brand Identity, Logo, Brochure, Website, Advertising, Tradefair, Illustration, […]
Wisil Latoor SRL Online Communication

May 31, 2015 | 0 Comments

Wisil Latoor SrL is one of the largest dental laboratories in Italy. In 2015, we revived their brand identity including the print and online communication. Particularly for the light side of the web communication, a tooth mascot named Willie was created. He is a happy tooth that teaches as importance of a healthy smile. Find out more on their facebook page: Discipline: Social Media Management, Posters, Web Design Sector: Dental Regione: Italy
Odontowin Identity

April 16, 2015 | 0 Comments

An upcoming center of dental clinics in northern Italy, Odontowin is part of Winlab srl.  As the continuation of the brand, it takes it’s ridded W from the logo of Winlab.  The multilayered wave on top, depicts the upper part a Molar. Discipline: Brand Strategy, Brand Identity, Logo Sector: Dental, Beauty and Health Care Regione: Italy

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