Cafes Folliet


Cafés Folliet is 135 years old brand of roasted coffee from Chambéry, France. The identity that evolved over the period of last 100 years had lost its origin and did not compliment the product range any longer.

We studied the brand and product throughly and created this homogeneous identity matching with current values and future objectives.

The symbol tells the story of products value chain. The path starts at coffee cherries, continuing to de-skinned beans, to roasted coffee bean, to grounded coffee powder to porta filters and a fin cup of coffee. Only if all the above steps are cured to the perfection, the coffee becomes a pleasant experience as it should be. As Cafés Folliet is proud of it’s working of all these steps, the consumer is always left with wonderful happy memories. Thats what the final cluster of coffee cup stains connote!

Being a OOH consumption brand, the main customers are bar owners. Hence the identity had to be fluid, serving to multiple needs and choices. Cups, chocolates, sugar sachets and even delivery trucks, all compliment the range they make part of. This modularity enables the customer to choose the look of his bar according to his target audience.


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Cafes Folliet

Cafes Folliet

Cafes Folliet





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